The Earth and You

You came from the Earth and you never left it.
The Earth experiences your life through you.
Through your fibres and tissues.
Through your nerves and tendons.
Through your synapses and neurons.
Through your thoughts and ideas.
Through your imaginations and dreams.
Through your desires and drives.
Through your emotions and fears.
Every part of your experience is an extrusion of the sacred Earth
into your perception.
The Earth is you.
You are the Earth.
The Earth is the insects and the roots below,
the microbes and the fungal networks,
the predatory creatures and the timid grazers.
The birds in the bushes and the snakes in the leaves.
The veins in your arm and the cells in your veins.
It is ancient and fluid, flowing and intricate,
branching and exploring through the aeons,
through it’s innumerable and uncountable creations.
They emerge as sensory apparatus from it’s ancient flowing depths
and when their function is fulfilled,
they descend and dissipate into the whole,
realising that they never left it.

1st of Oct 2018


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