Right Hemisphere Musings

Tuesday, 2 October 2018
The subconscious mind is what the whole universe is doing when you are not aware of it

Wednesday, 6 June 2018
The following came to me in a dream. A figure/being was teaching me something on a blackboard, explaining reality to me and these were the exact last words I remember it saying as I woke up:
"It’s like a tree for example, is a partial extrusion into 3 dimensional space time from something that doesn’t follow 3 dimensional space time rules. What that something is may be unknowable."

Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Just focus your experience on what is.

Friday, 17 November 2017
Frequency inside and outside of the brain
Colours are able to be seen because they match a brainwave frequency in a particular brain location

Consciousness is the inter dimensional product of 2 dimensions intersecting (crossing planes). Like flatland

Friday, 26 May 2017
This is the only place that minds can interact.
Your body didn't develop a mind. Your mind developed a body.
All that exists is mind. The universe is just data.
Why do minds interact? Because that's how the data bodies reproduce.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Matter is energy condensed to a slow vibration.

We are high vibration energy interacting with slow vibrational energy. We are pure energy experiencing itself. Everything is energy. Mind and matter are the entirety of all energy (everything)

Dreams are mearly feedback (or 'noise').

There is high dimensional thinking and low dimensional thinking.

Remember the shape (*)


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